Markdown Shortcuts

With Notabase, you can type markdown inline, and it will be automatically converted into the corresponding formatting block.

Inline shortcuts

These shortcuts can be used while you're typing.

  • Type ** on either side of your text to bold.

  • Type * on either side of your text to italicize.

  • Type ` on either side of your text to create inline code.

  • Type ~~ on either side of your text to strikethrough.

  • Type [[Linked Note]] to insert a link to the note "Linked Note". This will create a new note with that title if it does not already exist.

  • Type [title]( to insert an external link. Or if you have the URL copied, you can type title, highlight it, and paste to create a link.

  • Type [custom title]([[Linked Note]]) to insert a link to the note "Linked Note" with a custom title.

  • Type #Tag followed by a space to insert a tag called Tag.

  • Type (( and then some text in order to search for a block across all of your notes that has that text. Clicking on that block will insert a block reference.

Block shortcuts

These shortcuts can be used at the beginning of any line.

  • Type # followed by a space to create an H1 heading.

  • Type ## followed by a space to create an H2 heading.

  • Type ### followed by a space to create an H3 heading.

  • Type -, *, or + followed by a space to create a bulleted list.

  • Type 1. followed by a space to create a numbered list.

  • Type [] to create a checklist item.

  • Type > followed by a space to create a quote block.

  • Type ``` to create a code block.

  • Type --- or *** to create a thematic break / horizontal rule.

Last updated

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